How to find the best website designer for your new small  business

Nowadays, creating a simple basic website is a piece of cake for those who are familiar with technology. Anyone can make their business website with a pre pre-built template or content management system like WordPress, Shopify, Square space etc. 

However, if you do not have enough time or you are looking for a professional service, you might know the difference between a Freelancer and a web design agency. 

In this article I will try to clear everything that needs to know before hiring any freelance web designer or a web agency. 

First Identify your needs:

According to your business needs, you might need a specific type of website. For example, if you sell some products you need an e-commerce website, if you are a car detailing service provider, you might need a website that has booking features. Or maybe you just need a basic website to show some information such as what you do, where is your location and show some images of your previous work & portfolio etc. 

In simple terms, there are two types of websites. 

  1. Static informative website that shows some information and images. 
  2. Another one is Dynamic website which consists of product selling, booking, blog etc. 

First you have to figure out what types of website or feature you are thinking of implementing in your business. 

Types of web designer Service: 

There are basically two types of web design services available.

  1. Freelance web designer 
  2. Local web design agency. 

Freelance web designer: A freelancer is often one man army to do all your projects that  needs to be done to setup your business online. 

Expertise: They basically expert in one or two area. They handle all thor projects themselve. You can find solid skills in different online freelance marketplace. 

Where to find: Fiver is one of the best platform to find web designer service in very affordable Price point. There are thousands of web designers and you must be very careful to choose the right candidate for your project.

About fiverr environments: Fiverr catagorise sellser or service provider according to their completed projects, rating/review, responsive time and some other factors. It you will be easier for you to find a best designer if you know these matrices.

Fiver has 4 category for sellers. 

New Level: They have just opened a fiver profile to give their services. On 90% scenario they are completely new. The will provide you service in a very cheap price compare to other. If you have enough time for your  projects you can check with them first. 

Level 1: They complets few task or projects. It’s nearly 5-10 projects. The have capabilities to deliver very easy and straight foraward projects. 

Level 2: This is a very confusing profile. This is because you will find experts freelancers in the level 2 sellers. Some of the level two sellers should be on top rated seller. But because of fiver algorighm they still got level 2. You can easily pick any seller with level 2 batch. 

Top rated: Fiver provide top rated badge only on the seller who are very expert and maintain good rating and rview as well as number of order. You can expect a top rated seller can be completed 50-500 projects. Sometime more than that. The top rated seller is expensive compared to the other seller levels. This is because their expertise, number of project they have done, their communication and all other things. However, you will get a very professional design according to the budget you paid. 

Searching and filtering Process: 

Once you are in fiverr website dashboard, you have to search for a keybaword in the search bar area. You just have to search “web designer” . After that “BOOM!!!”. You will find thousands of web designers.

Filter process:  You will find 4-6 differnet filter tab in the fiverr page. The most important filter tab is freelancer details. Please check the image bellow:

Please Select both “top rated” & “level-2” seller. 

Seller lives in: Depends on your preference. If you live in Australia and want to hire a seller in Australia please mark Australia in the filter. 

Peak 5 designer: When you apply the filter you will get lot’s of seler according to your preferrendce. Now it’s time to select 5 best Profile among them and send them your project proposal. 

While selecting yor designer, yo should be aware of the following factors:
1. How many project they have completed, 

2. What is their rating (average) 

3. If their Previous Portfolio match with Your needs. 

4. Theri description and most importantly previou buyers review. 

Communication: You time has value. You should peak only the seller with the best communication skill. It will dramatically effect on your overall design process.

A Designer with good communication skill will understand your needs and deliver the result very fast.


 Web Design Agency:
Before you are hiring a web designing agency it’s important to know that do you really need one? 

Generally a web design agency is very costly compared to solo freelancers. This is because you will get a complete team including graphic designer, web designer, web developer, marketer and SEO expert, Project managers and some few more team members depending upon the agency type. 

You will get highly expert team members who will work on your project. If you have an idea of implementing a system for your business, I will highly recommend a web design agency. This is because, A website with a complex system consists of different elements and needs multiple experts. For example you need a website that will manage everything related to your inventory. So you might need a very interactive and user friendly dashboard. This is not a task of a web designer.. You need a user experience designer for this task. Once the user experience is done then you need a web developer to program the script in web format. That’s how the whole process works. You should find a local expert agency if you have a very large complex project to build. 

How to find the best agency: 

First, you have to manage all the draft for your project. Make a draft in word file with a very basic idea that in your mind. It should not to be very perfect.

You can ask your friend and colleague about a web design agency who has already done similar projects. Also, you can search in google. Check the review and rating and their website directly. 

If you still face any problem, please let know. I love to work with small businesses like you.

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